You guys know that Judas Priest was widely considered a
joke, right? I mean, you don’t need me to tell you this, but when Beavis was
singing “Breakin’ the LAW, breakin’ the LAW,” that was a Judas Priest song.
That’s who the band was thought to appeal to: degenerate Arizona high-school

What Makes Them Different: Obviously, Halford’s
sexuality is the most culturally impactful thing about the band at this point,
and I don’t mean to downplay that. The band always had a streak of barely
contained violence about it – their 1978 album Killing Machine was
renamed Hell Bent for Leather in the U.S., which I suppose is a little
better – which becomes much more interesting when you know the songs are being
sung by a closeted gay man.
That violent streak got them noticed by Tipper Gore and her
Parents Music Research Center in the mid-1980s, notably for the lyric “I’m
gonna force you at gunpoint to eat me alive.” “In a uniquely British way,”
guitarist K.K. Downing later explained, “Rob’s S&M lyrics were intended to
be tongue in cheek.”
When he was preparing to make This Is Spinal Tap, Rob
Reiner went to a Judas Priest concert as part of his research.
By the Numbers: Four platinum albums, although they
never had a Top Ten album in the U.S. until the inevitable sporadic reunion
albums started coming out in the last few years. No Top Forty hits; the Priest’s
biggest single, “You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’,” peaked at Number Four on the
U.S. Mainstream Rock charts in 1981.
Will They Go In? This is the Priest’s second
nomination, but if they didn’t get in the first time, I don’t know what’s going
to be different this time. If you like 1970s-style metal, there are better
choices on the ballot.
Should They Go In? Judas Priest is extremely not my
cup of tea, but even given that, I don’t see the case here. Being a poor man’s
Black Sabbath is not something to write home about. Ordinarily, my top priority
for a band is their cultural influence, and Halford has certainly made their
career – and the fans they drew in through the late 1970s and 1980s - more fascinating to think about. But he hasn’t
made the music fun to listen to. If Judas Priest gets in, the door is
wide open for Uriah Heep. I vote NO.